Congreso Internacional de Investigación Tijuana

It is with great pleasure that we announce the eleventh edition of Congreso Internacional de Investigacion Tijuana (CI2T), to be held during May 8-9, 2025.

The CI2T is organized by the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Engineering of the Autonomous University of Baja California, Tijuana campus. The CI2T offers a bilingual dissemination platform (English / Spanish) for professors, researchers, students, graduates, and professionals, where theoretical and / or experimental proposals are presented.

CI2T brings together scientific and academic communities, as well as industry leaders and experts, plant engineers, regulatory specialists, manufacturers, brand marketers, advertising agencies executives and business intelligence experts. It represents a great opportunity to connect face-to-face for discussions related to Computer, Electronics and Industrial engineering, as well as Chemical and Applied Sciences in projects that benefit both the industry and society.

We look forward to seeing you!


The CI2T 2025 is composed of the following tracks:

CST 8th Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technology
CoCSCE 8th Conference on Computer Science and Computer Engineering
CoEE 8th Conference on Electronics Engineering
ICIP 8th International Conference on Industrial Projects

Important dates

Abstract and paper submission deadline: January 31, 2025 February 14, 2025
Notification of acceptance: February 28, 2025 March 7, 2025
Camera ready deadline: March 28, 2025
Payment registration March 13 - April 15, 2025
Conference May 8 - 9, 2025

Call for Papers



Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


The Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), located in Baja California, was formally established in 1957, as a public service institution. It assign the goal to promoting higher education to create professionals, promote scientific research and extend the benefits of culture enrichment. It is inspired under the principles of freedom of religion and freedom to explore, with the purposes of gathering the flowing scientific and social minds, without engaging in political, pro-militant activities. Today UABC exerts a fair amount of academic influences in the regional and even national scenery. It is one of the major universitioes in Mexico.

Tijuana, Baja California


Tijuana is a Mexican city belonging to the state of Baja California. It is the most populated of this state and the fourth in importance of Mexico, it is located 170 Km west of the state capital, Mexicali and approximately 60 minutes north of Ensenada. The city is the head of the municipality of the same name and is known among other epiphets as the corner of Mexico or the door of Mexico. Its motto is "Aqui empieza la patria", which roughly translate to "Here begins the homeland".


General chair


Program chair

Finance/Inventory chairs

Web Master

CMT chair

PR/Difussion chair
